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Terms of Use

1. Welcome to the website (hereafter: "the Site"), which is managed and operated by Habogrim for a Better Future (Registered Non- Profit Association [Amuta] Number 580472603) (hereafter: "the Association").
2. The use of the Site is subject to the terms and conditions listed in these Terms of Use, which will constitute the legal basis for any issue arising between the user and the Association concerning the Site and its use (hereafter "the Terms of Use").
3. The Association reserves the right to change and/or update the Terms of Use at any time, without notice and at its sole discretion. It may also modify or change the nature and content of the Site, as well as to discontinue the Site's operations, at any time.
4. The binding and applicable Terms of Use are those currently published on the Site at the time of use. Users are asked to review the Terms of Use from time to time before using the Site, and to take note of the changes and updates to the Terms of Use.
5. The language of the Terms of Use refers to both women and men, and the use of masculine language in the text is for the sake of convenience only.
6. The headings of the following chapters are provided for the sake of convenience and ease of navigation only, and may not be used for purposes of interpretation of the Terms of Use.
7. The site shall be used on an "as is" basis -  i.e., a user may not intervene or make any modifications when using it. It is strictly forbidden to use the Site, either in whole or in part, for commercial purposes.
8. The user agrees that the Association’s computer records regarding the Site will serve as determinative evidence of everything related to the Site, including its use, actions carried out on the Site, etc. 


Content and Information on the Site
9. The contents and information displayed on the Site ("the Information”) regarding the Association are general and informative only, and are presented on an "as is " basis, and such Information will not constitute a recommendation, opinion, advice, an offer to submit candidacy and/or a request to participate in the Association's programs, a representation and/or any guarantee regarding the Association's programs, and more. 

10. Neither the Association nor anyone acting its behalf will be liable or responsible for any damage of any kind – either  direct, indirect, consequential, or special – related to the Site, including damage caused to the user or any party acting on behalf of the user, in connection with the use of the Site - regardless of the cause of action – and including damage consisting of loss of income and/or prevention of profit, which may be caused in any way whatsoever.
11. The Association makes efforts to ensure that the Information on the Site is up-to-date, but it may occur that the Information is not – at any particular time - complete or up-to-date. There may also be technical and/or other errors in the Information. It is clarified that the Association is not responsible for inaccuracies and errors that may occur in the Information or in connection with it. The user is invited to check the correctness of the Information [at any given time].
12. Any reliance on the Information is the sole responsibility of the user, and the Association will not bear responsibility for and/or in connection with any damage caused to the user as a result of the user's reliance on the Information and/or the degree of adaptation of the Information to the user's use and/or needs. 

13. The user hereby undertakes to indemnify the Association and anyone acting on its behalf against any damage, expense, loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal expenses and attorney's fees, caused by the user and/or anyone on his behalf, to the Association, in connection with the use of the Site and/or a breach of the Terms of Use. 

Intellectual Property
14. The intellectual property rights on the Site - including patents, copyrights, designs, methods, and trade secrets (to the extent they exist on the Site) - are the property of the Association. These rights apply, among other things, to the Site's graphic design, the Information, and any other item connected the Site or its use.
15. It is not permitted to copy, duplicate, distribute, sell, market, or translate any information from the Site (including trademarks, images, texts, or computer code).
16. Commercial use of the data published on the Site or in the database, or any other item or piece of information – is prohibited.
17. Any icons, information, and/or representation appearing on the Site - including graphics, design, verbal representations, trademarks, logos, and the editing and presentation of the above - are the property of the Association or of third-parties who have granted the Association permission to use them.
18. It is prohibited to make any use of any trademark or of any of the photographs displayed on the Site. 

Prohibited Uses
19. The following actions are prohibited, and the user is not authorized to carry out any of the following actions (and is also not authorized to permit any third- party to carry out such actions): 
a) The use of the Site and/or the Information for any illegal, immoral, unauthorized, and/or prohibited purpose. 
b) The use of the Site  and/or the Information for commercial purposes or non-private purposes. 
c) The removal or separation from the Information and/or from the Site of  any restrictions and signs indicating the proprietary rights of the Association or of others, including all the proprietary notices appearing in them (such as ©, TM, or ®). 
d) The infringement of and/or the harming of the rights of the Site’s users, including the right to privacy and other rights, or the collection of personal information about Site users, whether manually or by using a bot, data crawler, any search or retrieval application - or by using any other means, process, or method, manual or automatic, in order to access the Site and retrieve, collect and/or extract information. 
e) The uploading, sending, or transmission of any material containing any type of computer virus or any other computer code that may destroy, interfere with, or restrict the use of the Site, the servers, the hardware, and/or the software. 
f) Interference, disruption or sabotage of any kind of the Site, including by interfering with the operation of the server and the network of computers connected to the Site. 
g) The performance of any action that creates or is likely to create an overload on the Site and the use thereof. 
h) Any bypassing of the measures used by the Association to prevent or restrict access to the Site. 
i) Copying and modification – with respect to any part of the Information or the Site, it is  prohibited to copy, amend , modify, adapt, transmit, access, translate, redirect, reverse engineer, convert code to open source, de-compile, or separate any part of the Information or Site; or to present to the public, create derivative works, perform, distribute, sublicense, make any commercial use, sell, rent, transfer, lend, process, collect, combine with other software – any material subject to the proprietary rights of the Association, including any material that constitutes the Association's intellectual property. 
j) The sale, licensing or commercial exploitation of any use or access to the Site. 
k) The placement of  the Site or any part of it within the framework of another site or application or as part of another service. 
l) Any violation of the Terms of Use or any part thereof. 
m) Any illegal use of the Site. 
n) Any malicious use of the Site, or any engagement in any use of the site that is harmful, immoral, harmful to other users, and/or to the Association in any way. 

20. The Association uses automated tools on the Site ("cookies"). The cookies are text files that allow the collection of non-identifying information through the computer or device from which the user accesses the Site, or through the [user’s] internet browser. The Association uses cookies for the operation of the Site. Cookies are required for the operation of the Site, and the user therefore cannot cancel the use of cookies. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
21. The terms and provisions  detailed in the Terms of Use, as well as any change or amendment thereof, as well as the use of the Site, will be regulated in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, without reference to the  applicable choice of law provisions. The [competent] courts of Tel Aviv - Jaffa will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute and/or claim that may arise in connection with the Site and/or its use and/or any matter related to the Site or the use thereof. 

22. For any questions regarding the Terms of Use and the Site, the Association may be contacted through the contact details on the Site.
23. The Association may perform any action on the Site through the use of third-parties.
24. If a court determines that any provision of the Terms of Use is illegal and/or invalid, such determination will not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use and/or the remaining parts of the provision that were canceled and/or limited by the judicial authority.
25. The Terms of Use do not detract from any right granted to the Association by any law.
26. No waiver, abstention from action at a particular time, or grant of an extension of time will be deemed to be a waiver by the Association of any of its rights under the Terms of Use or pursuant to any law -  and no such waiver, abstention or grant of extension will serve as an impediment to a claim by the Association or by any party acting on its behalf, unless such waiver is made explicitly and in writing. 

Last updated in March 2024.

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